Matching Game Product Review - great game

Children’s games are important for teaching turn taking, how to have good sportsmanship, simple counting, and other necessarily lifelong skills. But some games, like Chutes and Ladders and Candyland, that involve no brainpower on my part bore me to tears, and therefore, they’re usually only played with a babysitter or grandparent.

Everyone enjoys interacting with their children differently, I enjoy reading to mine, going on hikes, sports,crafts and playing games that aren’t completely mindless.

This Life on Earth matching game (what I knew as Memory when I was a child) is  great for playing with the kids while exercising the memory part of your own brain as well.

The game is well-made, which I appreciate.  The pictures are cute and provoke lots of conversation, about the animals, trees, colors, etc – whatever is developmentally appropriate for your child. The age listed on the box says 5+, but this game would work well with toddlers too, just as a matching exercise and animal identification, not necessarily playing the game correctly.

Life on Earth Matching Game is a lovely gift – either for your children, or for another family, and provides hours of rainy-day play and family time. You can find it here.

matching game product review - great learning toy



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