I have a hobby of reading both nutrition and parenting books, I check them out all the time at the library. This one surprised me with how good it was, so I wanted to share.

I thought the book Special-Needs Kids Eat Right: Strategies to Help Kids on the Autism Spectrum Focus, Learn, and Thrive, written by a Registered Dietitian Judy Converse, would be some of the same low fat, follow the USDA food guide pyramid, etc. that annoys me about nutrition books written by ‘experts’. I was pleasantly surprised that she seemed to have broken out of the box and recommended such things as organic meat, omega 3 eggs, and to be wary of the excess omega 6s that are all too popular in our modern diets. She speaks as someone who has experienced the fact that mainstream medicine standard operating procedure often falls short of what is needed for health.

Judy Converse does a great job at focusing on how to make this diet work for families, giving parents lots of ideas for a variety of foods that are family friendly. The only thing I wish there was a little more on was an elimination diet in a breastfeeding mother, rather than switching to a low allergen formula.

In addition to nutrition information, she has a realistic view of family’s budgets and gives common sense advice on when to order lab tests that have to be paid out of pocket, and when not to. She talks about a nutrition focused physical exam so that you can check yourself for free and see what is likely to be missing from your child’s diet rather than relying on expensive lab tests.

I also wanted to say that The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher’s Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling is absolutely amazing. It’s a book that we’re going to buy, since it takes longer to ‘digest’ than I can have it checked out from the library. I’m still reading it, but seriously it is to education what Nourishing Traditions is to nutrition.

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